bz® Saturated Wipes are currently manufactured with aerospace approved solvents and AMS3819 qualified base sheet materials.
BZ Cleaning Cloths
BZ Cleaning Cloths
BZ Cleaning Cloths
BZ Cleaning Cloths
BZ Performance Wipes
NSN 7733 – Bz Presaturated Acetone Wipe with 100% ASTM D329 Acetone
BZ Performance Wipes
NSN 7734 – Bz Presaturated IPA Wipe with 100% MIL-SPEC TT-I-735 IPA
BZ Performance Wipes
NSN 8849 – Bz Small Presaturated 70/30 Wipe with 70% MIL-SPEC TT-I-735 IPA, 30% DI Water
BZ Performance Wipes
NSN 8850 – Bz Presaturated 70/30 Wipe with 70% MIL-SPEC TT-I-735 IPA, 30% DI Water